The Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha presides over the proceedings of the Rajya Sabha in the absence of the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha. The Deputy Chairman is elected internally by the Rajya Sabha.
NDA's Harivansh Narayan Singh becomes Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairperson on the opponent Hari Prasad.
The Supreme Court of India, the highest court in the Republic of India. There are currently 25 judges (including Chief Justice of India) against a maximum possible strength of 31. As per the Constitution of India, judges of the Supreme Court retire at age 65.
Justice Dipak Misra, from Odisha is the current and 45th head.
The statement "A communist government is led by one political party" is what best defiines a communist government. Here in this type of government, the power is in the hands of the one political party and it only controls the political and economic systems of the country/state.
Article 87 is related to Special Address by the president.
Other Articles Relate to :
Article 84 - Qualification for membership of Parliament.
Article 85 - Sessions of Parliament, prorogation and dissolution.
Article 86 - Right of President to address and send messages to Houses.
The vice President is the chairman of Rajya Sabha. The chairman of Rajya Sabha is not the member of the house.
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