


Statement and Assumption problems

  • 1. 
    In order to reduce the adverse effect of nature on the society one has to be aware, remain alert and find solutions to fight back.
    I. Awareness and alertness will help to reduce the adverse effect of nature.
    II. There are possible solutions to fight against the adverse effect of nature.

  • Options
  • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
  • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
  • C. if either I or II is implicit.
  • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
  • Discuss
  • 2. 
    The finance ministry freshly brought out a hug revenue deficit because customs and excise have done badly due to severe industrial slowdown.
    I. Excise and customs has a good stake in revenue collection of the government.
    II. Customs and excise has a strong link- up with industrial performance.

  • Options
  • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
  • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
  • C. if either I or II is implicit.
  • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
  • Discuss
  • 3. 
    If you are a middleman, the Internet's promise of cheaper prices and faster services can "dis-intermediate" you.
    I. Middlemen are often found as a major hindrance to efficient working of the economy.
    II. Middlemen have the main role of assisting the transaction between the producer and the consumer.

  • Options
  • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
  • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
  • C. if either I or II is implicit.
  • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
  • Discuss
  • 4. 
    The Net has a lot of useless sites floating around and www.bigwaste.com is one of them, the difference being that it admits to being a big waste of time.
    I. Most of the websites claim to be useful ever when they or not so.
    II. The Net has no mechanism to distinguish useless sites from useful ones.

  • Options
  • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
  • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
  • C. if either I or II is implicit.
  • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
  • Discuss
  • 5. 
    "We are in talks with the Japanese Bank for International cooperation (JBIC) for the second tranche of Rs 1,600 crore."- Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) chairman.
    I. DMRC has already received the first tranche of the loan from JBIC.
    II. Talks for receiving the first tranche of the JBIC loan have been finalised.

  • Options
  • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
  • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
  • C. if either I or II is implicit.
  • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
  • Discuss
  • 6. 
    "In every community where we sell our brands, we must remember we do not do business in markets ; we do business in societies."----A marketer
    I. Shops and markets are of no use in selling a brand.
    II. The understanding of social behavior is a must for the marketers.

  • Options
  • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
  • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
  • C. if either I or II is implicit.
  • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
  • Discuss
  • 7. 
    Consumers are often deceived by terms like "goods once sold will not be taken back" or the goods are transported at"owner's risk"
    I. Bearing in mind these phrases , consumers are reluctant to seek compensation.
    II. Such phrases do not provide a blanket exemption for the seller or the transporter.

  • Options
  • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
  • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
  • C. if either I or II is implicit.
  • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
  • Discuss
  • 8. 
    Some days you settle down peacefully with your morning coffee. Then you open the papers and the adrenaline picks in.
    I. Coffee and papers are an integral part of the common man's life.
    II. On same days the paper carry sensational news.

  • Options
  • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
  • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
  • C. if either I or II is implicit.
  • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
  • Discuss
  • 9. 
    Mr Speight with the help of some gunmen arrested the PM of Fiji.
    I. The Prime Minister was corrupt and was not keen in the development of country.
    II. Democratic system is very week in the country.

  • Options
  • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
  • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
  • C. if either I or II is implicit.
  • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
  • Discuss
  • 10. 
    "Students are not allowed to wear western dresses on the university campus."----V.C. of a reputed university.
    I. It looks vulgar and encourages more eve-teasing.
    II. If the girls will come to the college in Indian dresses then they will concentrate more on studies.

  • Options
  • A. if only assumption I is implicit.
  • B. if only assumption II is implicit.
  • C. if either I or II is implicit.
  • D. if neither I nor II is implicit.
  • Discuss

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