Once SCR has been triggered the gate has no control. Only external resistance controls the anode current.
3. A single phase half wave controlled rectifier circuit has an R-L load. A freewheeling diode is also in the circuit. When freewheeling diode is conducting the SCR
A. is forward biased
B. is reverse biased
C. may be forward biased or reverse biased
D. forward biased initially but reverse biased afterwards
Free wheeling diode is forward biased only when SCR is reverse biased.
4. A single phase semiconverter is feeding a highly inductive load. The circuit has a freewheeling diode across the load and firing angle is a. During one cycle of input voltage, the total duration of conduction of freewheeling diode is
It can be turned on by positive gate pulse and turned off by negative gate pulse. It is minority carrier device. It can be manufactured in high current and high voltage ratings and its on state voltage drops is low.