Master-slave J-K flip-flops are called pulse-triggered or level-triggered devices because input data is read during the entire time the clock pulse is at a LOW level.
A. True
B. False
Correct Answer
Flip-Flops problems
Search Results
1. Which of the following describes the operation of a positive edge-triggered D flip-flop?
A. If both inputs are HIGH, the output will toggle.
B. The output will follow the input on the leading edge of the clock.
C. When both inputs are LOW, an invalid state exists.
D. The input is toggled into the flip-flop on the leading edge of the clock and is passed to the output on the trailing edge of the clock.
Correct Answer: the Q output follows the D input when EN is HIGH
6. Four positive edge-triggered D flip-flops are used to store a 4-bit binary number as shown below. Determine if the circuit is functioning properly, and if not, what might be wrong.
A. The circuit is functioning properly.
B. Q2 is incorrect; the flip-flop is probably bad.
C. The input to flip-flop 3 (D2) is probably wrong; check the source of D2.
D. A bad connection probably exists between FF-3 and FF-4, causing FF-3 not to reset.