


Water Supply Engineering problems

  • 1. Pick up the correct statement from the following :

  • Options
  • A. The amount of rainfall in 24 hours, is known as daily rainfall
  • B. The amount of rainfall in one year, is known as annual rainfall
  • C. The rain cycle period in India is taken as 35 years
  • D. The ratio of the actual rainfall in the year to the normal rainfall at a place, is called index of the wetness
  • E. All the above.
  • Discuss
  • 2. If discharge of a pump is 0.16 cumecs, the economic diameter of pipe, is

  • Options
  • A. 0.488 m
  • B. 4.88 cm
  • C. 48.8 cm
  • D. 4.88 m
  • E. none of these.
  • Discuss
  • 3. At the socket and spigot joint,

  • Options
  • A. enlarged end of the pipe is called socket
  • B. normal end of the pipe is called spigot
  • C. spigot is fitted into the socket
  • D. molten lead is used for water proofing
  • E. all the above.
  • Discuss
  • 4. Normal values of overflow rate for plain sedimentation tank, is

  • Options
  • A. 250 to 500 litres/hr/m2
  • B. 500 to 750 litres/hr/m2
  • C. 750 to 1000 litres/hr/m2
  • D. 1000 to 1250 litres/hr/m2.
  • Discuss
  • 5. Check valves are installed

  • Options
  • A. on the delivery side of the pumping set
  • B. at the interconnections between polluted water system and a potable water system
  • C. both (a) and (b)
  • D. neither (a) nor (b).
  • Discuss
  • 6. An area is declared drought affected if its mean rainfall is less than

  • Options
  • A. 50%
  • B. 60%
  • C. 75%
  • D. 80%
  • E. 85%.
  • Discuss
  • 7. The standard B.O.D. at 20&Deg;C, is taken for the consumption in

  • Options
  • A. one day
  • B. 2 days
  • C. 3 days
  • D. 4 days
  • E. 5 days.
  • Discuss
  • 8. Quality of water is said to be good if it is

  • Options
  • A. free from suspended matter
  • B. colourless
  • C. free from pathogenic organism
  • D. tasteless
  • E. all the above.
  • Discuss
  • 9. Pick up the correct statement from the following :

  • Options
  • A. The internal pressure within a pipe, is caused due to water head and hammer pressure
  • B. The internal pressure in a pipe running full is equal to vertical ordinate between hydraulic gradient line and centre of the pipe
  • C. In pressure pipes with water at rest, the pressure is equal to water head
  • D. Sudden closure of a valve, causes the water hammer pressure
  • E. All the above.
  • Discuss
  • 10. The main process to purify water by filtration, is

  • Options
  • A. mechanical straining
  • B. flocculation and sedimentation
  • C. biological metabolism
  • D. electronic change
  • E. all the above.
  • Discuss

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