


Water Supply Engineering problems

  • 1. The maximum permitted loss of head in a rapid sand filter, is

  • Options
  • A. 1 m
  • B. 2 m
  • C. 3 m
  • D. 4 m
  • E. 5 m.
  • Discuss
  • 2. The permissible pH value for public water supplies may range between

  • Options
  • A. 4.5 to 5.5
  • B. 5.5 to 6.5
  • C. 6.5 to 8.5
  • D. 8.5 to 10.5
  • E. none of these.
  • Discuss
  • 3. Standard process of chlorination of water, is done by

  • Options
  • A. plain chlorination
  • B. pre-chlorination
  • C. post-chlorination
  • D. double chlorination.
  • Discuss
  • 4. For maximum alkalinity of water, pH value should be

  • Options
  • A. zero
  • B. less than 7
  • C. more than 7
  • D. 14
  • E. 21
  • Discuss
  • 5. The strainer type tube well, is unsuitable for

  • Options
  • A. coarse gravels
  • B. fine sandy strata
  • C. clean gravels
  • D. none of these.
  • Discuss
  • 6. The four major water supply distribution systems, are

  • Options
  • A. dead end, tree, grid iron and reticulation
  • B. dead end, tree, grid iron and circular
  • C. tree, grid iron, ring and radial
  • D. tree, reticulation, circular and ring.
  • Discuss
  • 7. Critical time for developing a water hammer, is the time required for

  • Options
  • A. closing the valve
  • B. the wave to travel from valve to the reservoir
  • C. the wave to travel from the valve to the reservoir and back
  • D. none of these.
  • Discuss
  • 8. Maximum threshold number permitted for indicating the odour of public water supplies, is

  • Options
  • A. 1
  • B. 2
  • C. 3
  • D. 4
  • E. 5
  • Discuss
  • 9. In the equation Civil Engineering Water Supply Engineering: In the equation of a l of a logistic curve of population growth, the constant m is

  • Options
  • A. Ps x P
  • B.
  • C.
  • D. KPs .
  • Discuss
  • 10. The most commonly used chemical for dechlorination of water, is

  • Options
  • A. sodium thiosulphate
  • B. sodium bisulphate
  • C. sodium sulphite
  • D. sulphur-dioxide
  • E. all the above.
  • Discuss

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