Project Human Resource Management - Processes Describe the Inputs, Tools and Techniques , Outputs included in the Acquire Project Team?
Correct Answer
I Inputs Enterprise environmental factors Organizational process assets Roles and responsibilities Project organization charts Staffing management plan II Tools and Techniques Pre-assignment Negotiation Acquisition Virtual teams III Outputs Project staff assignments Resource availability Staffing management plan (updates)
PMP Certification problems
Search Results
1. Project Scope Management - Processes Describe the Inputs, Tools and Techniques , Outputs included in the Scope control ?
Correct Answer: I Inputs Project scope statement Work breakdown structure WBS dictionary Project scope management plan Performance reports Approved change requests Work performance information II Tools and Techniques Change control system Variance analysis Replanning Configuration management system III Outputs Project scope statement(updates) Work breakdown structure(updates) WBS dictionary (updates) Scope baseline (updates) Requested changes Recommended corrective action Organizational process assets (updates) Project management plan (updates)
2. Project Scope Management - Processes Describe the Inputs, Tools and Techniques , Outputs included in the Scope Verification ?
Correct Answer: I Inputs Enterprise environmental factors Organizational process assets Project charter Priliminary project scope statement II Tools and Techniques Expert Judgment Templates, forms, standards III Outputs Project scope management plan
5. Project Scope Management - Processes Describe the Inputs, Tools and Techniques , Outputs included in the Create WBS ?
Correct Answer: Activity Definition - Identifying the Specific schedule activities that need to be performed to produce the various project deliverables Activity Sequencing - Identifying and documenting dependencies among schedule activities Activity Resource Estimating - Estimating the type and quantities of resources required to perform each schedule activity Activity Duration Estimating - Estimating the number of work periods that will be needed to complete individual schedule activities Schedule Development - Analyzing activity sequences, durations, resource requirements, and schedule constraints to creae the project schedule Schedule Control - Controlling changes to the project schedule
7. Project Time Management - Processes Describe the Inputs, Tools and Techniques, Outputs of Activity Definition ?
Correct Answer: I Inputs Enterprise environmental factors Organizational process assets Project scope statement Work breakdown structure WBS dictionary Project management plan II Tools and Techniques Decomposition Templates Rolling wave planning Expert judgment Planning component III Outputs Activity list Activity attributes Milestone list Requested changes
8. Project Time Management - Processes Describe the Inputs, Tools and Techniques, Outputs of Activity Sequencing ?