The passage discusses the autonomy of art, emphasizing that art must be self-contained and not influenced by anything other than itself. It insists that art alone must bring the work into being, free from external interference. Here's the analysis of the options based on the passage:
The passage discusses the shift in the economy from a manufacturing focus to a service orientation, and how this change will require managers to work more with people than with objects from the assembly line. Here's the analysis of the options based on the passage:
The passage highlights the positive contributions of businessmen to the growth of civilization, including helping build cities, providing luxuries, supporting artists, and driving the Industrial Revolution. Here?s the analysis of the options based on the passage:
The passage discusses the role of the press in supporting just causes, criticizing the government in a healthy manner, and protecting the rights of workers and suppressed sections of society. It emphasizes the importance of a balanced view in helping the formation of healthy public opinion. Here's the analysis of the options based on the passage:
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