Correct Answer: - The web browser visits a website using the HTTP and then it keeps the track of the identity of the user visiting the web page - The cookies of HTTP get stored with the personal information of the user and it doesn?t accept the information - Users accept the cookies as by rejecting all the cookies will load the web page in longer time and it will not be desired by the users - Even if the cookie is being rejected a session cookie is being kept for use as it is the provision given to the web browser to use it - The cookies gets stored temporary basis depending on the user of accepting or rejecting it and it basically saves the session so that the duration of the page load can be reduced
2. What are the ways to change the cookie setting using the web browser?
Correct Answer: The cookie settings include the enabling and disabling of the services that are used with the web browsers The following steps are taken to set the cookies: - The TOOLS menu is being opened on web browser and the privacy tab is selected from where the privacy of individual user can be managed - Using the ADVANCED tab the options to set the cookies will be visible and it will allow the overriding of cookie - The cookies can be accepted by checking the first party cookies or the third party cookies Out of these choices the first party cookies provide more security - Check the checkbox for "Always allow session cookies" so that the session cookies can be maintained
3. What is the primary function of the Web browsers?
Correct Answer: - Web browser functions are to provide the resources or information to the user when asked by them - It processes the user inputs in the form of URL like https://wwwgooglecom in the browser and allows the access to that page - URL is used to identify the resources and fetch them from the server and displays it to the client - It allows the user to interact with the web pages and dynamic content like surveys, forms, etc - It also allows the user to navigate through the complete web page and see its source code in the HTML format - It provides security to the data and the resources that are available on the web that is by using the secure methods
4. What are the principles in providing the security for the computer programs?
Correct Answer: - The principle of least privilege is used to provide more security to the computer programs - The principle allows the designing of the program such that any unauthorized access is not allowed and only the person who owns the program will be able to access it - The services provided should be able to access only those products that need the services - Web servers that are involved in responding the queries of the web users provide only accessing to the HTML files that will serve the purpose of the programs - Computer programs should be made such that it provides secure features of logging into the program with proper authentication
Correct Answer: - Fail-safe approach defines the level that divides the security such that it is safe even in case the system is failed - The fail safe approach doesn?t allow an attacker to take the advantage by breaking in the system and crashes out - This approach allows the web server to perform the routines even if the system runs out of the memory in case of any attack - The system in attacks doesn?t skip the access to the control check or it doesn?t skip serving any document requested - Fail safe approach can force the web server to run of the memory and have a DoS attack
6. What is the use of Infinite file in Web security?
Correct Answer: - Infinite file consists of random bits of code that is stored in /dev/random file used to generate the cryptographic keys - Infinite file consists of the source of infinite data that can be used to provide the response in easy manner - Web server consists of the file that is received by the server in this format GET //dev/random HTTP/10 - Web server provides the continuous data that can be read from /dev/random/ before the web server can run out of the memory - The server crashes out in case it runs out of the memory due to the infinite file type and it is very essential in case of the web security
7. Write a program to fix the error being produced by the Infinite file?
Correct Answer: - The infinite file error can be solved when the data will be read continuously from the file - The error can be solved by using the keys that provide only the resources that are required - The following program is as follows: oswwrite ("HTTP/10 200 OK\n\n"); while (c != -1) { sbappend((char)c); c = frread(); } oswwrite (sbtoString()); - This converts the requested file in such a way that if the file exists it shows the messages as ok otherwise it shows an error - Limited file access is to be given to the file to remove the error from the infinite file type
8. What are the security features being provided in web security?
Correct Answer: Security features are very essential in the system as it provides an overall security of the system by applying the patches and the services that keeps the unwanted access away The security features included are as follows: - Use of algorithms in relation to, the security and the system to, solve the problem of the security - Use of SSL or any encryption method to, protect the system from intrusion or any other attack - Use of SSL in the SimpleWebServer that doesn?t provides the protection against the DoS attack and doesn?t allow the accessing to, be done using the /etc/shadow
9. What are the ways in which attackers can infiltrate the system?
Correct Answer: - Web servers can be infiltrated using the command shell by an attacker to read the HTML files that is getting transferred - If the set-uid scripts are not proper and bad then the infiltration can happen by the attacker - The processes are not given proper permissions so that the password can be changed by using the ?passwd? command to change the password of the system - This also authenticates the user for accessing the system and the files on it containing the data - The program that is used in the operating system doesn?t follow the principle of least privilege and lead to security issues
Correct Answer: => When a consumer wants to buy a certain product, he go to the website and selects the product he wants to buy => Once the product is selected, the consumer transaction is moved to the online transaction server where he places an order => The informations is exchanged over a secure channel through a private gateway to a processing network => The networked banks accept or reject the transaction All this happens in just a matter of seconds E-commerce is a very secure due to the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) technology