Correct Answer: Tips : Integrity-being honest and believability and conviction- is one of concrete leadership abilities The value and morals in personal behavior are the necessaries with an excellent leader and these values and morals need to be brought into organizational training and activities A successful leader is the one who uses his/her conviction most efficiently Leaders do not loose confidences or expose potentially dangerous information if they are close with their employees and they are the honest symbols
2. What role does leadership play for a manager? How have you demonstrated this with your managers?
Correct Answer: Tips : The leader's role is : To communicate the strategic vision to management with clarity To translate the vision into concrete direction and plans To identify and communicate priorities, short term objectives, timelines, performance measures, clear accountabilities and performance agreements to management; To provide quality judgment and advice
3. If everyone on the team is a veteran, what will you do to fit in ?
Correct Answer: This answer shows steps of becoming a team member that doesn't appear to be in training It is describing ways to limit training times in meetings, and include that a new worker could benefit an existing team by making a list of ideas Even if everyone is a veteran, I feel confident I can fit right in I would prepare as much as I can by reading existing material to catch up on the project I would plan for meetings by making a list of questions I have and finding the answers to these questions before the meeting I would also create a list of ideas through the documents I have read A fresh mind could help with creative solutions I know that I would be required to study a lot in the beginning, but I would be able to do so at home or by working late in the office
4. What methods have you used to gain commitment from your team?
Correct Answer: Tips : In order to achieve the commitment, leaders have to request and convince the team to set goals and put them into the process The cooperative spirit and solidarity for goal achievement are created by the leaders The team is led into the implementing period as quickly as possible The argument and ideas from all stakeholders need to be praised In order to have a success and brilliant commitment, they must express their passionate personal commitment and boost a useful cultivation by highly evaluating individuals? value and their contributions
5. How have you influenced employees to follow your strategic vision for the organization?
Correct Answer: Tips : Leaders develop ownership by involving employees in the decision-making and planning process They provide resources to facilitate employee success and empower employees by devolving authority to get things done efficiently Effective leaders develop processes that engage employees in achieving the strategic vision
6. Name some situations in which a leader may fail. Tell me about a time when you fail as a leader?
Correct Answer: Tips : Occasionally some things go out of control of leaders such as the suitable skill pool in the organization, deadline, and the economic situation The failure can happen if the employees are unconcerned and negative In leadership interview questions, the interviewer wants to know your way in resolving the difficult situations, so you should concentrate on analyzing the failure and draw the experience from it The way you used the difficulties to design the policies and trainings Show your bravery to face with the failure and ready to recover and continue going on