Correct Answer: IUnknown as an interface of a COM object Every COM object has to support IUnknown, besides optionally adding other interfaces IUnknown is made of QueryInterface, AddRef and Release
Correct Answer: Marshalling is the process of packaging and sending interface method parameters across thread, process or machine boundaries It is not necessary when the client and the server are on the same computer
Correct Answer: COM is the component Object Model is a system whch creates application which are binary form that is language independent , object oriented ,modular and reusable
Correct Answer: DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) a communication protocol that let applications call each other OLE was the first protocol that enabled users and programmers to create compound documents?that is documents that contain data from different applications (for example an Excel worksheet inside a Word document)
10. What are the different ways to Declare and Instantiate an object in Visual Basic 6?
Correct Answer: Dim obj as OBJCLASS with eitherSet obj = New OBJCLASS orSet obj = CreateObject(OBJCLASS?) orSet obj = GetObject( , OBJCLASS?)orDim obj as New OBJCLASS