1. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following. The intensity of horizontal shear stress at the elemental part of a beam section, is directly proportional to
A. shear force
B. area of the section
C. distance of the C.G. of the area from its neutral axis
D. moment of the beam section about its neutral axis
Correct Answer: moment of the beam section about its neutral axis
2. A simply supported beam , 6 m long and of effective depth 50 cm, carries a uniformly distributed load 2400 kg/m including its self weight. If the lever arm factor is 0.85 and permissible tensile stress of steel is 1400 kg/cm2, the area of steel required, is
4. If K is a constant depending upon the ratio of the width of the slab to its effective span l, x is the distance of the concentrated load from the nearer support, bw is the width of the area of contact of the concentrated load measured parallel to the supported edge, the effective width of the slab be is
5. If a rectangular prestressed beam of an effective span of 5 meters and carrying a total load 3840 kg/m, is designed by the load balancing method, the central dip of the parabolic tendon should be
7. If the permissible compressive and tensile stresses in a singly reinforced beam are 50 kg/cm2 and 1400 kg/cm2 respectively and the modular ratio is 18, the percentage area At of the steel required for an economic section, is
8. If W is total load per unit area on a panel, D is the diameter of the column head, L is the span in two directions, then the sum of the maximum positive bending moment and average of the negative bending moment for the design of the span of a square flat slab, should not be less than