It has an electron gun and a helix structure. However the interaction between electron beam and RF wave is different than in TWT.
The growing RF wave travels in opposite direction to the electron beam.
The frequency of wave can be changed by changing the voltage which controls the beam velocity.
Moreover the amplitude of oscillations can be decreased continuously to zero by changing the beam current.
It features are:
1. Frequency range - 1 GHz to 1000 GHz.
2. Power output - 10 mV to 150 mW (continuous wave) 250kW (pulsed).
It is used as signal source in transmitters and instruments.
Therefore VSWR is infinite because |rv| = 1.
Reason (R): In a coaxial line the electric and magnetic fields are confined to the region between the concentric conductors.
A TWT is a broadband device. Its main components are electron gun (to produce the electron beam) and a structure supporting the slow electromagnetic wave.
The velocity of wave propagation along the helix structure is less than velocity of light.
The beam and wave travel along the structure at the same speed.
Thus interaction occurs between beam and wave and the beam delivers energy to the RF wave.
Therefore the signal gets strengthened and amplified output is delivered at the other end of tube.
The main features of TWT are :
1. Frequency range - 0.5 GHz to 90 GHz
2. Power output - 5 mW at low frequencies(less than 20 GHz) 250 kW (continuous wave) at 3 GHz 10 MW (pulsed) at 3 GHz
3. Efficiency - about 5 to 20%
4. Noise - about 5 dB for low power TWT 25 dB for high power TWT
TWT is used as RF amplifier in broadband microwave receivers, repeater amplifier in broad band communication systems, communication satellites etc.
Its special feature is easy access to top surface so that minor adjustments can be made after circuit fabrication.
The high dielectric constant of the substrate reduces guide wavelength and circuit dimensions.
A microstrip line is the most commomly used transmission structure for microwave integrated circuits.
It exhibits negative resistance and operates on the principle of avalanche breakdown.
Impatt diode circuits are classified as broadly tunable circuit, low Q circuit and high Q circuit.
The impedance of Impatt diode is a few ohms. The word Impatt stands for Impact Avalanche Transit Time diode.
The features of Impatt diode oscillator are : frequency 1 to 300 GHz, Power output (0.5 W to 5 W for single diode circuit and upto 40 W for combination of several diodes), efficiency about 20%.
Its applications include police radar systems, low power microwave transmitter etc.
Avalanche diode can also be operated in large signal high efficiency mode called Trapped Avalanche Transit Time mode.
The Trapatt oscillations depend on the delay in the current caused by avalanche process.
The avalanche delay makes it possible to increase the diode voltage well above the breakdown voltage.
Therefore a very rapid multiplication of charge carriers occurs. A Trapatt diode is also a negative resistance device.
The features of Trapatt diode oscillator are : Frequency 3 to 50 GHz, Power output 1-3 W, efficiency about 25%.
Its applications are low power doppler radar, microwave beacon landing system etc.
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