Maximum size of a fillet weld for a plate of square edge is
A. 1.5 mm less than the thickness of the plate
B. one half of the thickness of the plate
C. thickness of the plate itself
D. 1.5 mm more than the thickness of the plate
Correct Answer
1.5 mm less than the thickness of the plate
GATE Exam Questions problems
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1. The capacities of "One-way 1.5 m wide sidewalk (persons per hour)" and "One-way 2-lane urban road (PCU per hour, with no frontage access, no standing vehicles and very little cross traffic)" are respectively.
4. A cantilever beam of length L and a cross section with shape factor f supports a concentrated load P as shown below The length LP of the plastic zone, when the maximum bending moment equals the plastic moment MP, given by
5. Un-factored maximum bending moments at a section of a reinforced concrete beam resulting from a frame analysis are 50, 80, 120 and 180 kNm under dead, live, wind and earthquake loads respectively. The design moment (kNm) as per IS: 456-2000 for the limit state of collapse (flexure) is
Correct Answer: to avoid rupture of steel in case a flexural failure occurs
7. A hydraulic turbine has a discharge of 5 m3/s, when operating under a head of 20 m with a speed of 500 rpm. If it is to operate under a head of 15 m, for the same discharge, the rotational speed in rpm will approximately be