X-component of velocity in a 2-D incompressible flow is given by u = y2 + 4 xy. If Y-com-ponent of velocity 'v' equals zero at y = 0, the expression for 'v' is given by
A. 4y
B. 2y2
C. -2y2
D. 2xy
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GATE Exam Questions problems
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1. The kinetic energy correction factor for a full developed laminar flow through a circular pipe is
2. A reinforced concrete column contains longitudinal steel equal to 1 percent of net cross-sectional area of the column. Assume modular ratio as 10. The loads carried (using the elastic theory) by the longitudinal steel and the net area of concrete, are Ps and Pc respectively. The ratio Ps/Pc expressed as percent is
3. A tube well having a capacity of 4 m3/hour operates for 20 hours each day during the irrigation season. How much area can be commanded if the irrigation interval is 20 days and depth of irrigation is 7 cm?
4. The peak discharge of the instantaneous unit hydrograph of a basin, when compared to the peak discharge of a 4-hour unit hydrograph of that basin, would be
Correct Answer: deflection of the beam is below a limiting value
6. Un-factored maximum bending moments at a section of a reinforced concrete beam resulting from a frame analysis are 50, 80, 120 and 180 kNm under dead, live, wind and earthquake loads respectively. The design moment (kNm) as per IS: 456-2000 for the limit state of collapse (flexure) is
7. A cantilever beam of length L and a cross section with shape factor f supports a concentrated load P as shown below The length LP of the plastic zone, when the maximum bending moment equals the plastic moment MP, given by
Correct Answer: aggregate interlock, particle friction and cohesion
10. The capacities of "One-way 1.5 m wide sidewalk (persons per hour)" and "One-way 2-lane urban road (PCU per hour, with no frontage access, no standing vehicles and very little cross traffic)" are respectively.