?Sensitivity analysis helps to determine which risks have the most potential impact on the project.?
Answer A is incorrect because the WBS hierarchy does not prevent duplication by itself. Answer C is incorrect because a WBS is focused on deliverables and components or work packages and not on tasks. Answer D is incorrect because a WBS can be sized appropriately to the project size with as many levels as necessary.
The approval by the Architecture Review Board is a milestone you want to include in activity sequencing so that you can ensure the requirements for meeting the review board's approval are met. Answer A is tempting because the question references phase-end activities; however, it is not an example of gatekeeping because the project is not being authorized to continue based only on the architecture review.Gatekeeping often involves the review of other factors as well. Answer C is incorect because the requirement of a review board approval does not afect scope. Answer D is incorrect because project integration planning involves project plan development, execution, and integrated change control, which are not related to a review board.
?The work involved in performing the five processes of Project Scope Management is preceded by a planning effort by the project management team. This planning effort is part of the Develop Project Management Plan process, which produces a scope management plan that provides guidance on how project scope will be defined, documented, verified, managed, and controlled. The scope management plan may be formal or informal, highly detailed, or broadly framed, based upon the needs of the project.?
Answer A is incorect because it is not a correct statement and has nothing to do with ambiguous jurisdiction. Answer C is incorrect because ambiguous jurisdiction is not related to legal issues at a company. Answer D is incorrect because the statement is incorrect and is not related to ambiguous jurisdiction.
Answers A, B and D all result from effectively integrating the work of the project management process groups. PMBOK [4.0]
There is not necessarily a relationship between projects in a portfolio. Answer D is actually one of the goals of PROGRAM management. PMBOK Guide [1.4]
Key elements in the procurement management plan are enumerated in this PMBOK section. []
Answer A is reversed. Answer C is sometimes mistakenly used to forecast project completion (it?s invalid because it does not take into consideration which completed tasks are on the critical path). Answer D is the definition of Schedule Variance.
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