The second figure in the first unit of Problem Figure can be obtained by rotating the first figure by 180°.
From first figure to second figure the circles of upper row move one block in anticlockwise direction and two circles are added in the middle row. In similar way, the two crosses of lower row move one block in anticlockwise direction and two crosses are added in the middle row.
From first figure to second figure, four designs move one step in clockwise direction.
From first figure to second figure two sides are added to the main design and also two black dots are increased inside the main design.
From first figure to second figure the design rotates through 90° clockwise and becomes double.
Out of four rectangles, only one remains in the second figure flanked by the two triangles.
From first figure to second figure one side of the pentagon is deleted and a square is formed and the two black dots move out of the main design while a small white circle is introduced inside the main design.
Second figure in the first pair of Question Figures is mirror image of the first figure.
From first figure to second figure the main design becomes shaded and other three small designs become white and moves in anticlockwise and the quadrilateral rotates through 45°.
From first figure to second figure one dot is added to every sector of the design and three line segments with curves are introduced in the centre.
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