In each step, element at the upper-right position gets enlarged, inverts vertically and reaches the lower-left corner; the existing element at the lower-left position, is lost and a new small element appears at the upper-right position.
2. Select a figure from amongst the Answer Figures which will continue the same series as established by the five Problem Figures.
Both the larger and the smaller squares move to the adjacent corner ACW in each turn. Also, the shading in the smaller square moves 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... steps ACW sequentially and the shading in the larger square moves 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,.... steps CW sequentially.
5. Select a figure from amongst the Answer Figures which will continue the same series as established by the five Problem Figures.
Similar figure reappears in every second step. Each time the first figure reappears, the elements interchange positions in the order :
. And, each time the second figure reappears, the elements interchange positions in the order :
7. Select a figure from amongst the Answer Figures which will continue the same series as established by the five Problem Figures.
In One step, the middle element rotates through 180
o and in the next step, the other two elements rotate through 180
o. The two steps are repeated alternately.
8. Select a figure from amongst the Answer Figures which will continue the same series as established by the five Problem Figures.
The central arrow rotates 90
oACW and 45
oCW alternately. The half-arrow moves half-a-side of the square boundary in a CW direction and its head turns to the other side of the line in each step.
9. Select a figure from amongst the Answer Figures which will continue the same series as established by the five Problem Figures.
The 'T' shaped large element rotates 90
oCW in each step. The two small symbols interchange positions and the symbol that reaches the upper position gets replaced by a new one.
10. Select a figure from amongst the Answer Figures which will continue the same series as established by the five Problem Figures.
In the first step, the lowermost line segment is converted into a curve. In the second step, the second line segment also gets converted into a curve and the (existing curve is inverted. In each subsequent step, all the elements (line segments and curves) move in the sequence