From first figure to second figure the white square moves to the opposite side and the shaded square also moves to the opposite side and then it duplicates.
The second figure is water image of the first figure.
From first figure to second figure a similar but inverted figure is added.
From first figure to second figure the left most design moves to the top position, the middle design occupies the lowermost position and the right most design comes in the middle.
Semicircles are attached to the parallel sides of the design.
The second figure is mirror image of the first figure.
From first figure to second figure out of three similar designs one is deleted.
From first figure to second figure in the first unit of problem figures the circle moves one step in anticlockwise direction.
From first figure to second figure the first, the second and the inner most designs are deleted.
From first figure to second figure in the first unit of Problem Figures the pattern of design is changed and the oblique line becomes horizontal.
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