


Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering problems

  • 1. The angle between the directions of the failure and the major principal plane, is equal to

  • Options
  • A. 90° + effective angle of shearing resistance
  • B. 90° + half of the angle of shearing resistance
  • C. 45° - half of the angle of shearing resistance
  • D. 45° + half of the angle of shearing resistance.
  • Discuss
  • 2. The earth pressure of a soil at rest, is proportional to (where ? is the angle of internal friction of the soil)

  • Options
  • A. tan (45° - ?)
  • B. tan (45° + ?)
  • C. tan2 (45° - ?)
  • D. tan2 (45° + ?)
  • E. none of these
  • Discuss
  • 3. Pick up the correct statement from the following:

  • Options
  • A. Illite bond is weaker than Kaolinite bond
  • B. Illite bond is stronger than montmorillonite bond
  • C. Illites do not swell when wet
  • D. Illites are composed of two silica tetrahedralsheets with a central octahedral sheet
  • E. All the above.
  • Discuss
  • 4. Pick up the correct statement from the following:

  • Options
  • A. If the ratio of depth to width is less than 2, it is shallow foundation
  • B. If the ratio of depth to width is more than 2, it is deep foundation
  • C. If the ratio of the length to width is between 1 and 2, it is spread foundation
  • D. If the length is large as compared to width, it is a strip foundation
  • E. All the above.
  • Discuss
  • 5. The soil moisture driven off by heat, is called

  • Options
  • A. free water
  • B. hydroscopic water
  • C. gravity water
  • D. none of these.
  • Discuss
  • 6. A decrease in water content results in a reduction of the volume of a soil in

  • Options
  • A. liquid state
  • B. plastic state
  • C. semi solid state
  • D. all of these.
  • Discuss
  • 7. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:

  • Options
  • A. Compaction has no effect on the structure of a soil
  • B. Permeability decreases with increase in the dry density of a compacted soil
  • C. A wet side compacted soil is more compressible than a dry side compacted soil
  • D. Dry side compaction soils swell more when given access to moisture
  • E. None of the these.
  • Discuss
  • 8. Pick up the correct statement from the following:

  • Options
  • A. The void space between the soil grains, is filled partly with air and partly with water
  • B. In perfectly saturated soil, the voids are completely filled with water
  • C. In dry soil, the voids are completely filled with air
  • D. all the above.
  • Discuss
  • 9. The maximum load carried by a pile, when it continues to sink without further increase of load, is known as

  • Options
  • A. ultimate load carrying capacity
  • B. ultimate bearing capacity
  • C. ultimate bearing resistant
  • D. all the above.
  • Discuss
  • 10. The maximum shear stress occurs on the filament which makes an angle with the horizontal plane equal to

  • Options
  • A. 30°
  • B. 45°
  • C. 60°
  • D. 90°
  • Discuss

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