


Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering problems

  • 1. Pick up the correct statement from the following:

  • Options
  • A. A maximum value of dry density is obtained at optimum water content
  • B. At low value of water content most soils tend to be stiff.
  • C. At high water content, the dry density decreases with an increase of water content.
  • D. An airless soil will have maximum possible value of dry density for the given water content
  • E. All the above.
  • Discuss
  • 2. A pycnometer is used to determine

  • Options
  • A. voids ratio
  • B. dry density
  • C. water content
  • D. density index.
  • Discuss
  • 3. Stoke's law does not hold good if the size of particle is smaller than

  • Options
  • A. 0.0002 mm
  • B. 0.002 mm
  • C. 0.02 mm
  • D. 0.2 mm
  • Discuss
  • 4. Plasticity index is defined as the range of water content between

  • Options
  • A. liquid and plastic limit
  • B. plastic limit and semi solid limit
  • C. semi-solid limit and liquid limit
  • D. liquid limit and solid limit.
  • Discuss
  • 5. The shear strength in plastic undrained clay, is due to

  • Options
  • A. inter-granular friction
  • B. internal friction
  • C. cohesion
  • D. none of these.
  • Discuss
  • 6. In non-cohesive soil in passive state of plastic equilibrium

  • Options
  • A. major principal stress is horizontal
  • B. minor principal stress is vertical
  • C. major principal stress is vertical
  • D. minor and major principal stresses are equally inclined to the horizontal.
  • Discuss
  • 7. According to IS : 2720 - 1965, the composition of a dispersing solution used in pipette analysis for determining the size of particles, is

  • Options
  • A. sodium-hexametaphosphate 33 g, sodium carbonate 7 g and distilled water one litre
  • B. sodium-hexametaphosphate 7 g, sodium carbonate 33 g and distilled water one litre
  • C. sodium-hexametaphosphate 23 g, sodium carbonate 17 g and distilled water one litre
  • D. none of these.
  • Discuss
  • 8. The shear strength of a soil

  • Options
  • A. increases with an increase in the normal stress
  • B. is proportional to the cohesion of the soil
  • C. is generally known as the strength of the soil
  • D. is proportional to the tangent of the angle of internal friction
  • E. all the above.
  • Discuss
  • 9. The critical exist gradient of seepage water in soils, increases with

  • Options
  • A. an increase in specific gravity
  • B. a decrease in specific gravity
  • C. a decrease in void ratio
  • D. both (a) and (c)
  • E. none of these.
  • Discuss
  • 10. Pick up the correct statement from the following:

  • Options
  • A. The void ratio in soils is defined as the ratio of the volume of voids to the volume of solids
  • B. The porosity of a soil is defined as the ratio of the volume of voids to the gross volume of the soil
  • C. The bulk density of a soil is defined as the unit weight of the soil
  • D. The dry density of a soil is defined as weight of solids to the total volume of the soil
  • E. All the above.
  • Discuss

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