Key elements in the procurement management plan are enumerated in this PMBOK section. []
Answer A is reversed. Answer C is sometimes mistakenly used to forecast project completion (it?s invalid because it does not take into consideration which completed tasks are on the critical path). Answer D is the definition of Schedule Variance.
?Verify Scope is the process of formalizing acceptance of the completed project deliverables. Verifying scope includes reviewing deliverables with the customer or sponsor to ensure that they are completed satisfactorily and obtaining formal acceptance of deliverables by the customer or sponsor.? PMBOK [5.4]
Answers B and C belong to quality management, and answer D was formulated by Elizabeth Duffy and suggested that we all try to adjust our lives so that we have a dynamic balance (homeostasis) between challenge and relaxation. Kerstner, Chapter 18
The first phase in a project always has the greatest degree of uncertainty because at this point in time the product is the least well defined. PMBOK, See figure 2-2. [2.1.1]
The Participative leadership style is characterized by 1) allowing a great deal of freedom in identifying problems and solutions, 2) working closely with subordinates, 3) allows extensive participation, but 4) reserving to him/herself the final decision. The consultative style is not so open, with discussion more focused around the leader?s uncertainties than asking for new ideas.
?The cost and accuracy of bottom-up cost estimating is typically influenced by the size and complexity of the individual activity or work package.? PMBOK []
The processes in the controlling group are Verify Scope, Control Scope, Control Schedule, Control Costs, Perform Quality Control, Report Performance, Monitor and Control Risks, and Administer Procurements.
? Communication requirements are defined by combining the type and format of information needed with an analysis of the value of that information.?
?This [project schedule] information can be used to aggregate costs to the calendar periods when the costs are planned to be incurred.? PMBOK []
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