#include<stdio.h> int main() { FILE *fs, *ft; char c[10]; fs = fopen("source.txt", "r"); c[0] = getc(fs); fseek(fs, 0, SEEK_END); fseek(fs, -3L, SEEK_CUR); fgets(c, 5, fs); puts(c); return 0; }
fseek(fs, 0, SEEK_END); moves the file pointer to the end of the file.
fseek(fs, -3L, SEEK_CUR); moves the file pointer backward by 3 characters.
fgets(c, 5, fs); read the file from the current position of the file pointer.
Hence, it contains the last 3 characters of "Be my friend".
Therefore, it prints "end".
#include<stdio.h> char *str = "char *str = %c%s%c; main(){ printf(str, 34, str, 34);}"; int main() { printf(str, 34, str, 34); return 0; }
#include<stdio.h> int main() { printf("%%%%\n"); return 0; }
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