Here we have to find the number of odd days between, 5th march and 5th November,
Number of days in March is 26 or 5 odd days
(Here we have not included 5th march)
Number of days in April is 30 or 2 odd days
Number of days in May is 31 or 3 odd days
Number of days in June is 30 or 2 odd days
Number of days in July is 31 or 3 odd days
Number of days in August is 31 or 3 odd days
Number of days in September is 30 or 2 odd days
Number of days in October is 31 or 3 odd days
Number of days in November is 5 or 5 odd days
(Here 5th November is included)
So total number of odd days = 5 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 3 +2 + 3 + 5 = 28 when divided by 7 gives remainder 0 hence 5th November will be same as that of 5th march.
From Zeller's Formula we can find that 1st March 2009 is Sunday so well have 5 Saturdays and 5 Sundays in total 10 weekends.
January and August or October depends on leap year or non leap year. But if we find the number of odd days between March and November we will get number of odd days is 0 hence they will have same calendar.
The year 2008 is a leap year. It has 2 odd days. The day on 14th feb, 2008 is 2 days before the day on 14th Feb 2009. Hence this day is Thursday.
Number of days in K weeks is 7K hence total number of days is 7K + K = 8k or number of days must be a multiple of 8.
Number of days in K weeks is 7K hence total number of days is 7K + K = 8k
Similarly number of days in 2Kth day of the 2Kth week is 2k x 7 + 2k = 16k
Required number of days is 16K - 8K = 8K or number of days must be a multiple of 8.
At 6 : 30 A.M. from the formula here P = 6 and Q = 30 so required angle is 11 x 30/2 - 30 x 6 = 165 - 180 = - 15 or ignoring the negative sign the required angle is 15°
The last day of century cannot be either Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday.
Total number of odd days
30 September, 1997-98 = 1
30 September, 1998-99 = 1
30 September, 1999-2000 = 2
30 September, 2000-02 = 1
30 September, 2001-02 = 1
30 September, 2002-03 = 1/7
? Tuesday + 7 = Tuesday
So, the next Tuesday will come on the Mrs Susheela's wedding anniversary in 30th September, 2003
26 January, 1996 to 15 August, 2000 days were = 1663
1663 having odd day = 4
? In the year 2000, Independence day will on Tuesday.
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