Number of odd days between 6th march 2002 to 6th march 2003 is 1
Number of odd days between 6th march 2003 to 6th march 2004 is 2
Number of odd days between 6th march 2004 to 6th march 2005 is 1
Hence total Number of odd days between 6th march 2002 to 6th march 2005 is 1 + 2 + 1 = 4 odd days so 6th march 2002 is 4 days before Sunday i.e. Wednesday.
At 11 : 50 A.M. from the formula here P = 11 and Q = 50 so required angle is 11 x 50/2 - 30 x 11 = 275 - 330 = -55 or ignoring the negative sign the required angle is 55°
Same as previous question Option A is correct.
At 2 PM angle between minute hand and hour hand is 60° and that at 6 PM is 180° hence percentage change is 200%.
From the formula the required angle is 187.5°
9 :164/11
Consider exactly at 8 : 00, minute hand is at position '12' and hour hand is at '8' hence angle between these two hands at 8 : 00 is 240°.
Case (i) when minute hand is behind Hour hand then required time is (240 - 90)/(11/2) = 150/(11/2) = 300/11 = 27 3/11 minute
Case (ii) when minute hand is ahead of four hand then required time is (240 + 90)/(11/2) = 330/(11/2)
= 330 x 2/11 = 60 minute i.e., at 9 : 00 PM
28 x 2 x 6 = 336 degree
The minute hand to coincide with the hour hand it should trace at first 5 minute spaces and then the hands of the clocks to be opposite to each other minute hand should trace 30 minute spaces i.e. totally it should gain 5 + 30 = 35 minute spaces to be opposite to that of hour hand.
We know that, Minute hand gains 55 minute spaces over hour hand in 1 hour. Therefore, Minute hand gain 40 minute spaces over hand in 35 x (60/55) = 38(2/11).
Hence the hand of the clock will minutes be opposite to each at 38 (2/11) past 1'O clock. Therefore, Correct option is B.
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