119 is divisible by 7, 187 is divisible by 11,247 is divisible by 13 and 551 is divisible by 19. So none of the given numbers is prime.
We have the important relation, More work, More time (days)
? A piece of work can be done in 6 days.
? Three times of work of same type can be done in 6 x 3
= 18 days
? = 750.0003 ÷ 19.999
? ? ? 750 ÷ 20
? ? ? 375 ? 38
Subtract 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 from successive numbers. So 0 is wrong.
Each previous number is multiplied by 2.
? 8 m shadow means original height = 12 m
? 1 m shadow means original height = 12/8 m
? 100 m shadow means original height = (12/8) x 100 m
= (6/4) x 100 = 6 x 25 = 150 m
Let 8% of 96 = y of 1/25
? (8 x 96)/100 = y/25
? y = (8 x 96 x 25)/100 = 192
Since the principal is not given, so data is inadequate.
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