To pump water from a water reservoir 3 m deep and maximum water level at 135 m, a pump is installed to lift water up to R.L. 175 m at a constant rate of 36, 00, 000 litres per hour. If the length of the pipe is 1506 m and f = 0.01, ignoring other minor losses and assuming the economical diameter from Lea's formula D = 1.2 Q, the water horse power of the pump is
A. 400
B. 450
C. 500
D. 580
E. 600
Correct Answer
Water Supply Engineering problems
Search Results
1. Pick up the correct statement from the following :
A. The precipitation during its travel in atmosphere dissolves certain gases
B. Rain water which percolates through the ground, is free from suspended materials
C. Under ground water may dissolve minerals and salts present in the earth's layers
D. Small quantities of iron, calcium and magnesium dissolved in water, may be useful for human health
8. If P is population of a city in thousands and Q is fire demand in litres per minute, for proper estimate of water, the Empirical formula is suggested by
10. Estimates of a water supply project depends upon the rate of water supply per capita consumption and probable population estimated at the end of the design period of