Referring to the given figure, what should the display on the scope look like if the A/D converter is working properly?
A. It should be a circular Lissajous pattern resulting from the simultaneous application of ramps to the vertical and horizontal inputs of the oscilloscope.
B. The pattern should be a straight line across the screen due to the equal but opposite voltages being applied to the scope inputs.
C. A uniform stairstep pattern should be displayed.
D. The scope should display a sequential binary count with the LSB on the left and the MSB on the right side of the display.
Correct Answer
A uniform stairstep pattern should be displayed.
Interfacing to the Analog World problems
Search Results
1. What is the resolution of a D/A converter?
A. It is the reciprocal of the number of discrete steps in the D/A output.
B. It is the comparison between the actual output of the converter and its expected output.
C. It is the deviation between the ideal straight-line output and the actual output of the converter.
D. It is the converter's ability to resolve between forward and reverse steps when sequenced over its entire range of inputs.