Correct Answer: Evapotranspiration and capillary potential
4. A hydraulic turbine has a discharge of 5 m3/s, when operating under a head of 20 m with a speed of 500 rpm. If it is to operate under a head of 15 m, for the same discharge, the rotational speed in rpm will approximately be
Correct Answer: to avoid rupture of steel in case a flexural failure occurs
6. The percentage error in the computed discharge over a triangular notch corresponding to an error of 1% in the measurement of the head over the notch, would be
7. A hydraulic turbine develops a power of 104 metric horse power while running at a speed of 100 revolutions per minute, under a head of 40 m. Its specific speed is nearest to one of the following :
8. A 40° slope is excavated to a depth of 10 m in a deep layer of saturated clay of unit weight 20 kN.m3; the relevant shear strength parameters are cu = 70 kN/m2 and ?u = 0. The rock ledge is at a great depth. The Taylor's stability coefficient for ?u = 0 and 40° slope angle is 0.18. The factor of safety of the slope is :