Correct Answer: Aynchronous and Event Driven - All APIs of Nodejs library area unit aynchronous that's non-blocking It basically means that a Nodejs based mostly server not waits for a API to return information Server moves to next API when calling it and a notification mechanism of Events of Nodejs helps server to induce response from the previous API decision Very Fast - Nodejs library is very fast in execution of code Single Threaded but highly Scalable - Nodejs uses a single threaded model with event looping Nodejs uses a single threaded program and same program can services much larger number of requests than traditional server like open source No Buffering - Nodejs applications never buffer any data These applications simply output the data in faster
Correct Answer: Nodejs is a framework for web applications built on Google Chrome's JavaScript Engine(V8 Engine) Nodejs is comes with runtime environment on which a cript based on javascript can be interpreted and executed (It is analogus to JVM to JAVA byte code) This runtime environment allows to execute a JavaScript code on any machine outside a browser Because of this runtime of Nodejs, JavaScript is now can be executed on server also Nodejs is provides a rich library of various javascript modules which eases the developement of web application using Nodejs to greater extents
Correct Answer: DispatchAction is an action that comes with Struts 11 or later, that let us combine Struts actions into single class, each with their own method The orgapachestrutsactionDispatchAction class allows multiple operations to map to the different functions in the same Action class For e:g; html:hidden property="dispatch" value="error"/>
4. Explain three important components of Dynamic HTML authoring - Positioning, Style modifications and Event handling
Correct Answer: - Positioning: Is some what where we need the object to be placed in the graphical view i:e on screen If we talk in DHTML sense then we have two types of positioning: Relative and Absolute Relative Positioning: Relative positioning is the same as the current HTML3 layout and is best reserved for situations where you want to be sure that the content will revert to this default inside a document that also uses absolute positioning Absolute Positioning: In DHTML absolute positioning means that the object will remain at the same position regardless of the condition of other elements and the size of the browser In simple languages if an object/image is absolutely positioned (STYLE="position: absolute;"), with an offset of 150 pixels to the right and 250 pixels down from the left-hand corner of the browser screen then it will avail this position what ever the circumstances may be - Style Modifications: Style modification indicates the changes in the presentation or the view part that are being made in web page This part comes under Cascading Style Sheet where the user style his web page by using the attributes and the tags that are pre-defined in CSS - Event Handling: As explained earlier Events is the beating heart of any JavaScript application For handling event in DHTML we attach event handler to HTML elements The event handler waits until a certain event, for instance a click on a link, takes place When it happens it handles the event by executing some JavaScript code that has been defined by us After it has executed the code the event handler comes to its initial state and waits for the user to fire any event Hence to handle events in DHTML we need to register an event handler
Correct Answer: - The easiest difference is static HTML once rendered cannot be changed on the other hand dynamic HTML can be changed - Static web pages cannot have database access but dynamic pages can be connected to database - Using static HTML no interactions persist between user and server but dynamic HTML has capability to interact with the user - Static HTML does not require server side coding but dynamic HTML requires server side coding - No animation, games can be developed using the static HTML but on the other hand dynamic HTML can perform this task
Correct Answer: Read - Reads users input, parse the input into JavaScript data-structure and stores in memory Eval - Evaluates the data structure Print - Prints the result Loop - Loops the above command until user press ctrl-c twice
Correct Answer: Buffer class could be a global class and may be accessed in application without importing buffer module A Buffercould be a quite an array of integers and corresponds to a raw memory allocation outside the V8 heap A Buffer can not be resized
Correct Answer: AngularJS is a framework to build the large scale and high performance web application while keeping them as easy-to-maintain These are the features of AngularJS framework AngularJS is a powerful Script based on JavaScript development framework to Implement RICH Internet Application (RIA) AngularJS is a developers options to write client side application (using JavaScript) in a clean MVC (Model View Controller) side Application are written in AngularJS is also cross-browser compliant AngularJS automatically handles JavaScript code suitable for any browser AngularJS is an open source, completely free, and used by large number of developers around the world It is licensed under the Apache License version 20
Correct Answer: Templates are the rendered view with information from the controller and model These can be a single file like indexhtml or multiple views in one page using "partials"