Correct Answer: When we add many spaces in the content then HTML remove all space except one space this is Non Breaking Space To overcome this problem we use ? ? Suppose we want to add 3 space between two words then we have to use &nbp three time
Correct Answer: Marquee tag: Marquee tag is used when we want that some text or content move in the web page whether horizontally or vertically Syntax of Marquee tag: Attribute of Marquee tag are: bgcolor, direction, height, width, vspace etc
8. What is the Use of SPAN in HTML and give one example?
Correct Answer: The tag is used to group inline-elements in a document The tag provides no visual change by itself The tag provides a way to add a hook to a part of a text or a part of a document EX :
Correct Answer: The differences between HTML and HTML5 are: - Document of HTML is very large as compare to the HTML5 - Audio and Video tags are not present in HTML whereas HTML5 contains audio and video tags - Vector technology is not integral part of HTML whereas HTML5 Vector technology is the integral part of it - HTML supported by all old browsers whereas HTML5 is supported by new browser - In HTML web sockets are not available whereas in HTML5 Full duplex communication channel is present