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  • Question
  • Statement:
    Should admission to all professional courses be made on the basis of past academic performance rather than through entrance tests?
    I. Yes. It will be beneficial for those candidates those who reunable to bear the expenses of entrance tests.
    II Yes. Many deserving candidates securing high marks in their qualifying academic examinations do not perform well on such entrance tests.
    III. No. The standard of examinations and assessment conducted by different Boards and universities are not comparable and hence there is a need to conduct entrance tests to calibrate them on a common yardstick.

  • Options
  • A. Only I and II are strong
  • B. Only II and III are strong
  • C. Only I and III are strong
  • D. Only III is strong

  • Correct Answer
  • Only III is strong 


    Clearly, a policy to select deserving candidates cannot be abolished just because of the expenditure it entails. So, argument I does not hold. Also, students who are intelligent enough to secure good marks in academic exams have no reason not to perform well in entrance tests. So, II also does not hold. Further, the students passed out from different universities are assessed on different patterns and hence a common entrance test would put the candidates to uniform test and assessment. So, only III holds strong.

  • Statement and Argument problems

    Search Results

    • 1. 
      Should there be complete ban on Indian professionals seeking Jobs elsewhere after getting their education in India?
      I. Yes. This is the only way to sustain present rate of technological development in India.
      II. No. The Indians settled abroad send huge amount of foreign exchange and this constitutes a significant part of foreign exchange reserve
      III. No. The practical knowledge gained by Indians by working in other countries help India develop its economy.

    • Options
    • A. None is strong
    • B. All are strong
    • C. Only I and II are strong
    • D. Only III is strong
    • Discuss
    • 2. 
      Should India immediately stop digging coal from its mines?
      I. Yes, The present stock of coal will not last long if we continue mining at the present rate.
      II. No. We do not have alternate energy source of sufficient quantity.
      III. No. This will put millions of people at a disadvantage and their lives will get adversely affected and also the industry.

    • Options
    • A. Only I and II are strong
    • B. Only II and III are strong
    • C. Only I and III are strong
    • D. All are strong
    • Discuss
    • 3. 
      Should tobacco production be banned in the country?
      I. Yes. Its consumption in any from is injurious to health.
      II. No. It brings money to the farmers.

    • Options
    • A. if only argument I is strong.
    • B. if only argument II is strong.
    • C. If either I or II is strong.
    • D. if neither I nor II is strong; and
    • Discuss
    • 4. 
      Should India be ruled by a coalition of regional parties?
      I. Yes. This would give the states more say in the government and hence put an end to secessionist tendencies.
      II. No. A coalition government will he unstable and ever in crisis.

    • Options
    • A. if only argument I is strong.
    • B. if only argument II is strong.
    • C. If either I or II is strong.
    • D. If neither I nor II is strong; and
    • Discuss
    • 5. 
      Should firms give priority to getting new clients?
      I. Yes. They offer the potential for additional future revenues.
      II. No. This would hamper the service being provided to old clients.

    • Options
    • A. if only argument I is strong.
    • B. if only argument II is strong.
    • C. If either I or II is strong.
    • D. if neither I nor II is strong; and
    • Discuss
    • 6. 
      Should all the students graduating in any discipline desirous of pursuing post-graduation of the subjects of their choice be allowed to enrol in the post-graduate courses?
      I. Yes. The students are the bet judge of their capabilities and there should not be restrictions for joining post-graduate courses.
      II. No. The students need to study relevant subjects in graduate courses to enrol in postgraduate course and the students must fulfill such conditions.
      III. No. There are not enough institutes offering post-graduate courses which can accommodate all the graduates desirous of seeking post-graduate education of their own choice.

    • Options
    • A. None is strong
    • B. Only I and II are strong
    • C. All are strong
    • D. Only I and III are strong
    • Discuss
    • 7. 
      Should religion be taught in our schools?
      I. No. Ours is a secular state
      II. Yes. Teaching religion helps include moral values among children
      III. No. How can one dream of such a step when we want the young generation to fulfill its role in the 21st century

    • Options
    • A. All are strong
    • B. None is strong
    • C. Only I is strong
    • D. Only II is strong
    • Discuss
    • 8. 
      Should there be only few banks in place of numerous banks in India?
      I. Yes. This will help secure the investor's money as these big banks will be able to withstand intermitten market related shocks.
      II. No. A large number of people will lose their jobs as after the merger many employees will be redundant.
      III. Yes. This will help consolidate the entire banking industry and will lead to healthy competition

    • Options
    • A. None is Strong
    • B. Only I and II are strong
    • C. Only II and III are strong
    • D. Only I and III are strong
    • Discuss
    • 9. 
      Should the income be generated out of agricultural activities be taxed?
      I. No. Farmers are otherwise suffering from natural calamities and low yield coupled with low procurement price and their income should not be taxed.
      II. Yes. Majority of the population is dependent on agriculture and hence their income should be taxed to augment the resources.
      III. Yes. Many big farmers earn much more than the majority of the service earners and they should be taxed to remove the disparity.

    • Options
    • A. Only I is strong
    • B. Only I and II are strong
    • C. Only II and III are strong
    • D. All are strong
    • Discuss
    • 10. 
      Should the rule of wearing helmet for both driver and pillion rider while driving a motor bike be enforced strictly?
      I. Yes. It is a rule and rules should be followed strictly by all.
      II. No. Each individual knows how to protect his own life and it should be left to his discretion.
      III. No. It does not ensure safety as only the head is protected and rest of the body is not.
      IV. Yes. It is a necessity as head, being the most sensitive organ, is protected by the helmet.

    • Options
    • A. None of these
    • B. Only I and III are strong
    • C. Only I and IV are strong
    • D. Only II and IV are strong
    • Discuss


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