First Premise is Universal Affirmative (A - type).
Second Premise is Particular Affirmative (I - type).
Some doctors are authors. ? (All) Authors are learned people
I + A ? I - type of Conclusion "Some doctors are learned people."
This is Conclusion I. Conclusion II is the Converse of it.
First premise is Particular Affirmative (I-type).
Second Premise is Universal Negative (E-type).
Some leaves are apples. ? No apple is an egg.
I + E ? O-type of Conclusion "Some leaves are not eggs".
This is Conclusion III.
First and second premises are particular Affirmative (I? type).
Third Premises is Universal Affirmative (A?type).
Some cups are bottles. ? All bottles are mugs.
I + A ? I?type of Conclusion "Some cups are mugs."
Conclusion I is the Converse of it.
Conclusion II is the same as that of second premise.
First Premise is Universal Affirmative (A?type).
Second Premise is Particular Affirmative (I?type).
All apples are oranges. ? Some oranges are papayas.
A+I ? No Conclusion
First Premise is the Particular Affirmative (I-type).
Second Premise is the Universal Affirmative (A-type).
All the pencils are pens. ? Some pens are papers.
A + I ? No Conclusion
Conclusion I is the Converse of the second Premise.
Conclusion II is the Converse of the first Premise.
Both the Premises are Particular Affirmative (I-type).
No Conclusion follows from the two Particular Premises.
Conclusion II is the Converse of the first Premise.
First Premise is Universal Affirmative (A-type).
Second Premise is Particular Affirmative (I-type).
All trees are leaves. ? Some leaves are fruits.
A + I ? No Conclusion
Conclusion II is Converse of the first Premise.
All goats are flowers + No flower is branch = 1 + A = E = E = No goat is branch + Some branches are roots = E + 1 = 0* = Some roots are not goats. Hence neither I nor II definitely follows However, since the two from a complementary I - E pair, either of two must follow.
All pots are rings + All rings are paints = A + A = A = All pots are paints ? conversion ? Some paints are pots (I) Hence I follows. All bangles are rings + All rings are paints = A + A = A = All bangles are paints ? implication ? Some bangles are paints (I) Hence II follows.
All paintings are photographs + Some photographs are designs = A + I = No conclusion Hence I does not follow. Some photographs are designs + Some designs are movies = I + I = No conclusion Hence II does not follows.
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