Weeds should not be allowed to grow along with the crops because they consume the plant nutrients.
Iron with specific gravity less than that of mercury but more than that of water, floats in the former but gets immersed in the second
Higher above the sea level, temperature decreases at the rate of 1 degree centigarade for every 165 me-tres of ascent making mountain peaks colder.
When cut fruits and vegetables are kept in open, the vitamins in them get oxidised and remain of no use.
India, being a democracy, it is a government run by the representatives elected by its people
In India, due to high birth rate and due to neglect, females have a lower life expectancy than the males and although females need a better diet, they do not receive it.
Gandhiji withdrew the non-cooperation movement because of the violence in the Chauri Chaura outrage.
R provides the correct explanation of A.
Leakages in household gas cylinders can be detected because of the strong smell of ethyl merceptan mixed with LPG.
Bats can fly in the night because they can trace the obstacle in the path by perceiving the echo of the ultrasonic sound emitted by them after it is reflected by the obstacle.
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