Correct Answer: The brand propositon now therefore had to be that Keokarpin Antiseptic Cream is more effective
The brand proposition now therefore is
9. Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The letter of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is 'D'. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).
(solve as per the direction given)
The sentence reads: "Will you please buy some jaggery for me if you go to the market?" Let's break it down to identify any grammatical error:
Option A - Will you please buy:
The phrase "Will you please buy" is a grammatically correct polite request or question. There is no error in this part of the sentence.
Option B - some jaggery for me:
The phrase "some jaggery for me" is also grammatically correct and logically fits into the sentence. There is no error here.
Option C - if you go to the market?:
The phrase "if you go to the market" is a conditional clause, but the question mark at the end of the sentence is misplaced. Since the sentence is a request rather than a direct question, the correct punctuation should be a period or no punctuation after "market" and the question mark should go after the entire sentence.
Option D - No error:
There is an error in Option C with the incorrect use of punctuation. Therefore, Option D is not correct.
Final Answer:
The error is in Option C. The correct answer is C.
10. (solve as per the direction given above)
A. Most of the members at the meeting felt
B. that the group appointed for investigating the case