Correct Answer: A Manifest file is a simple text file that tells the browser what to cache and what not to cache There are three sections of a Manifest file: i) CACHE MANIFEST - Files listed here are cached after they are downloaded for the first time ii) NETWORK - Files listed here require a connection to the server, and are never cached iii) FALLBACK - Files listed here specify fallback pages if a page is inaccessible
Correct Answer: - A web worker is a JavaScript which runs in the background It exists in external files - It is independent of other scripts and does not affect the performance of the page - Web workers are usually used for CPU intensive tasks
3. Which JavaScript objects are not accessible to web worker?
Correct Answer: - Yes, HTML 5 can get the location of a user with the use of Geolocation API - Use getCurrentPosition() method to get the user?s current position
6. HTML 5 provides drag and drop facility. How do you make an image draggable?