Correct Answer: Being able to adapt to change in the workplace is an essential skill to possess because change is inevitable The interviewer would like to know about a time you were required to adapt to change in the workplace Sample answer in my view is to be "In my current management position, it was a lot of change to handle in a short time, especially being unsure of who to report to ahead of others and it took a little while to adjust The training component of my staff was not easy either However, in the end, it was worth it to secure such a high profile"
2. How can the company?s compliance policies be improved and/or better applied, communicated and enforced?
Correct Answer: Compliance policies should be accessible to all employees, well communicated, and easy to understand and apply Responses to this question can provide valuable end-user feedback in this regard The additional area of ?enforcement? may provide some insight into an organization?s ethical tone and employee perceptions about fairness and equality A quality compliance program will assure that all violators are treated fairly, but equally If employees perceive that management or others are ?above the law,? the compliance program loses credibility
3. What are the compliance- and/or ethics-related challenges you face most frequently in your current role?
Correct Answer: This question provides information on several important aspects of a compliance program First, it may highlight risks that the compliance officer was unaware of or didn?t fully appreciate (risk assessment) Second, it assesses how well employees are able to apply corporate policies in the context of their role (policy comprehension/retention and training effectiveness) Third, it reiterates and reinforces the employee?s understanding of risks and policies specific to them (training) Interviewees frequently struggle with this question initially and the interviewer may need to provide an obvious example of such a challenge to help the interviewee get started (ie gift policy, etc)
Correct Answer: Here are some example statements to consider as you prepare your answer 1I used to be a part of a team responsible for evaluating and choosing a new vendor for our office materials and supplies The inter-departmental team reviewed options, a comparison of service and pricing, select a vendor, and carried out the transition to the new vendor 2Our team always finished our projects before of schedule with very good reviews from our clients 3I preserved to grow as a group member while on my sorority's debate group and through my advanced marketing class where we had several of team assignments
5. What strategies would you use to motivate your team?
Correct Answer: Here is an example statement to consider as you prepare your answer On motivating others by using recognizing their achievements: I consider that recognizing good aspects of worker performance is critical to motivating maximum people For example, I control a staff of 10 employees, and I observed that one of the workers was somewhat introverted and tended to stop in the background He achieved correctly but was reluctant to contribute at meetings, and I thought he could be extra productive if optimally motivated I commenced an each day ritual of supervising in with him and checking his output I provided good feedback concerning his daily achievements I discovered that the quantity and quality of his output increased as I interacted with him more regularly I was able to call upon him at meetings considering that I understood the details of his work better and ask him to share few of his successful strategies with colleagues
6. Have you ever had difficulty working with a manager?
Correct Answer: Here are some example statements to consider as you prepare your answer 1I have been fortunate to have had awesome managers during my career so far I have respected each of them and got along nicely with all of them 2No, I am a hard worker, and my managers continually appear to appreciate the job I'm doing I have got along good with every manager I have had
7. I have difficulty deciding what exercises to do and the proper sequence of exercises to achieve maximum results. What help can you offer me?
Correct Answer: I assume that by exercises you mean stretches If not, if you mean other exercises, then Science of Sports Training will answer your question Concerning stretches?do dynamic stretches similar to the movements in your sport Do those isometric stretches that resemble positions at which your range of motion is less than required in your sport For example, stretches 1 and 3 on pages 68 and 69 in Stretching Scientifically would help for baseball pitchers Gymnasts or kickboxers may pick any stretch from pages 70?72, plus any stretch from page 74 and any hamstring stretch from page 75 Stretches you do for the front of the thigh and for the hamstring you can later replace with front splits (page 76 in Stretching Scientifically) as your flexibility improves You can do relaxed stretches similar to your isometric stretches or whichever ones stretch your tensed muscles The proper sequence of stretches in a workout is: dynamic, static active, isometric, relaxed You do not have to do all these types of stretches in a workout You can skip the ones that you do not need but do not alter the order
8. Is it truly possible to produce a permanent, instantly accessible flexibility that requires no warm-up or any other preparation?
Correct Answer: Yes Otherwise what is the point of practicing combat techniques such as high kicks if they require a warm-up? I personally know many athletes, some of them active soldiers, who can display much greater flexibility without a warm-up than what I show in this book Of course, I can do everything that you see in this book also without a warm-up If your coach or instructor cannot teach you how to have such flexibility then it tells you something about his or her knowledge of human physiology and the methodology of sports training
9. Tell me do you consider yourself to be thoughtful, analytical or do you usually make up your mind fast? Give an example?
Correct Answer: I mostly follow my intuitions with full belief in them But the outcome decision is based upon the analysis of the situations So for people around me i am an analytical person, which is true to an extent I don't come to, even a simplest decision in a rush
10. How do you go about making an important decision affecting your career?
Correct Answer: Career decisions are surely the toughest one and almost inevitable I follow my instincts during any doubtful situations b'coz in dilema u r not in the position to make a decision what better guide can we get, other then our inner voice, during those difficult situations This doesn't infact means that decision regarding the priority in life be left just to intuitions Intuitions also needs input in the form of one's likes and dislikes Goals proper set once, as such, go a long way in creating a good intuitive judgement