Answer A is incorrect because it pertains to the processes. Answer C is incorrect because these are the five phases of a project. Answer D is incorrect because there are 39 processes, not knowledge areas.
Answer A is incorrect because the core processes do not necessarily take more time and resources than facilitating processes. Answer C is incorrect because core processes are not usually tied with micromanagement of tasks. Answer D is incorrect because core processes are performed in the same sequence on most projects.
Scope, quality, and cost are the triple constraints. Quality is a function of these three areas and can impact them; however it is not considered one of the components of the triple constraint. Therefore, Answer A, B, and C are incorect.
Answer A is incorrect because there is a definite difference between the two terms. Answer B is incorrect because just the opposite is true. Answer D is incorrect because a program is a group of projects, which are temporary endeavors.
Answer A is incorrect because you are providing a service that the customer did not request; therefore, it might not be important to her and unnecessary. Answer B is incorrect because scope creep is generally an expansion of the scope of the project at the customer's request and the customer did not request these reports. Answer C is incorrect because an additional report does not always mean increased diligence with a project.
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