16 men working 7 hours day can plough a field in 48 days.
1 men working 7 hours day can plough a field in 48 x 16 days.
1 men working 1 hours day can plough a field in 48 x 16 x 7 days.
14 men working 1 hours day can plough a field in 48 x 16 x 7 / 14 days.
14 men working 12 hours day can plough a field in 48 x 16 x 7 / 14 x 12 days.
14 men working 12 hours day can plough a field in 48 x 16 / 2 x 12 days.
14 men working 12 hours day can plough a field in 48 x 4 / 2 x 3 days.
14 men working 12 hours day can plough a field in 48 x 2 / 3 days.
14 men working 12 hours day can plough a field in 16 x 2 = 32 days.
As per given question,
In 1 minute, 6 identical machines can produce a total of 270 bottles.
In 1 minute, 1 identical machines can produce a total of 270 / 6 bottles.
In 1 minute, 10 identical machines can produce a total of 270 x 10 / 6 bottles.
In 4 minute, 10 identical machines can produce a total of 270 x 10 x 4 / 6 bottles.
In 4 minute, 10 identical machines can produce a total of 45 x 10 x 4 bottles.
In 4 minute, 10 identical machines can produce a total of 1800 bottles.
As we know that,
1 Dozen = 12 piece
49 Dozen = 49 x 12 piece
Price of 357 apples is Rs. 1517.25.
Price of 1 apples is Rs. 1517.25 / 357.
Price of 49 x 12 apples is Rs. 1517.25 x 49 x 12 / 357.
Price of 49 x 12 apples is Rs. 1517.25 x 7 x 12 / 51.
Price of 49 x 12 apples is Rs. 1517.25 x 7 x 4 / 17.
Price of 49 x 12 apples is Rs. 2499.
So Price will be around 2500 and answer will be 2500.
0.6 cm represents 6.6 km in a scale.
1 cm represents 6.6 / 0.6 km in a scale.
80.5 cm represents 6.6 x 80.5 / 0.6 km in a scale.
80.5 cm represents 11 x 80.5 km in a scale.
80.5 cm represents 885.5 km in a scale.
As per given question,
8 persons can build a wall 140 meter long in 42 days.
1 persons can build a wall 140 meter long in 42 x 8 days.
1 persons can build a wall 1 meter long in 42 x 8 / 140 days.
30 persons can build a wall 1 meter long in 42 x 8 / 30 x 140 days.
30 persons can build a wall 100 meter long in 42 x 8 x 100 / 30 x 140 days.
30 persons can build a wall 100 meter long in 42 x 8 / 3 x 14 days.
30 persons can build a wall 100 meter long in 42 x 8 / 42 days.
30 persons can build a wall 100 meter long in 8 days.
Given in the question,
Let y be the persons there originally .
Work done by y persons can finish = 100 days
If there were 10 persons less, it would take more days finish the work in 10 days
i.e. ( y - 10 ) = 110
According to question ,
y × 100 = ( y - 10 ) × 110
? 100y = 110y - 1100 ? 10y = 1100 ? y = 110
Therefore , 110 persons were there originally .
Let the remaining food will last for D days.
500 men had provisions for (27 ? 3) = 24 days.
( 500 + 300 ) men had provisions for D days.
More men, Less days ( Indirect Proportion )
we can write as :-
? 800 : 500 :: 24 : x ? (800 × D ) =( 500 × 24 )
? ( 500 × 24 ) /800 =15
Therefore , 15 days is correct answer .
Suppose the food will last for D days at same rate .
250 men had provisions for 40 days.
( 250 - 50 ) men had provisions for D days.
Less men, More days ( Indirect Proportion )
we can write as :-
? 200 : 250 :: 40 : D ? (200 × D ) =( 250 × 40 )
? ( 250 × 40 ) /200 = 50
Therefore , 50 days is required answer .
According to question ,
3 pumps working in 2 days = 8 × 2 = 16 hours
It means that they can empty a tank in 16 hours .
3 pumps 1 hour work = 1/16
1 pumps 1 hour work = 1/( 3 × 16 )
4 pumps 1 hour work =4 × 1/( 3 × 16 ) = 1 / 12
Hence , they will empty the tank in 12 hours .
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