Numbers are (23 - 1), (33 - 1), (43 - 1) (53 - 1), (63 - 1) (73 - 1) etc.
So, the next number is (83 - 1) = (512 - 1) = 511.
Go on subtracting 24, 21, 18, 15, 12, 9 from the numbers to get the next number. Clearly,128 is wrong.
Go on adding 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17 respectively to obtain on the next number. So, 33 is wrong.
Go on subtracting 3 and dividing the result by 2 to obtain the next number. Clearly, 46 is wrong.
Each number is twice the preceding one with 1 added or subtracted alternately.
So, the next number is (2 x 261 + 1) = 523.
There are two series, beginning respectively with 3 and 7. In one 3 is added and in another 2 is subtracted. The next number is 1 - 2 = - 1.
In each number except 427, the middle digit is sum of the other two.
The number are 13, 23, 33, 43 etc. So, 124 is wrong. It must have been 53 i.e., 125.
The pattern is x2 + 3, where x = 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 etc. But 102 is out of pattern.
Double the number and add 1 to it, to get the next number. So, 160 is wrong.
Alternately, we add 3 and subtract 1.
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