Very low pressure is expressed in microns(?), which is equal to __________ mm of Hg coloumn (absolute) at 0°C.
A. 0.0001
B. 0.001
C. 0.01
D. 0.1
Correct Answer
Process Control and Instrumentation problems
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1. Working principle of mercury in glass thermometer is based on volumetric expansion of mercury with increase in temperature. Which of the following undergoes minimum volumetric expansion for a given temperature change?
9. The time constant of a unity gain, first order plus time delay process is 5 min. If the phase lag at a frequency of 0.2 rad/min is 60°, then the dead time (in minutes) is
Correct Answer: overshoot (which is a measure of how much the response exceeds the ultimate value) increase with the decrease of damping co-efficient e.