#include<stdio.h> int main() { float a=3.15529; printf("%2.1f\n", a); return 0; }
printf("%2.1f\n", a); The precision specifier tells .1f tells the printf function to place only one number after the .(dot).
Hence the output is 3.2
#include<stdio.h> int main() { FILE *ptr; char i; ptr = fopen("myfile.c", "r"); while((i=fgetc(ptr))!=NULL) printf("%c", i); return 0; }
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int k=1; printf("%d == 1 is" "%s\n", k, k==1?"TRUE":"FALSE"); return 0; }
Step 2: printf("%d == 1 is" "%s\n", k, k==1?"TRUE":"FALSE"); becomes
=> k==1?"TRUE":"FALSE"
=> 1==1?"TRUE":"FALSE"
=> "TRUE"
Therefore the output of the program is 1 == 1 is TRUE
#include<stdio.h> int main() { FILE *fp1, *fp2; fp1=fopen("file.c", "w"); fp2=fopen("file.c", "w"); fputc('A', fp1); fputc('B', fp2); fclose(fp1); fclose(fp2); return 0; }
Hence the file1.c contents is 'B'.
#include<stdio.h> int main() { char str[7] = "CuriousTab"; printf("%s\n", str); return 0; }
#include<stdio.h> int main() { char a[] = "Visual C++"; char *b = "Visual C++"; printf("%d, %d\n", sizeof(a), sizeof(b)); printf("%d, %d", sizeof(*a), sizeof(*b)); return 0; }
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int a=250; printf("%1d\n", a); return 0; }
printf("%1d\n", a); It prints the value of variable a.
Hence the output of the program is 250.
#include<stdio.h> int main() { FILE *fp; char ch, str[7]; fp=fopen("try.c", "r"); /* file 'try.c' contains "This is Nagpur" */ fseek(fp, 9L, SEEK_CUR); fgets(str, 5, fp); puts(str); return 0; }
#include<stdio.h> int main() { int i; printf("%d\n", scanf("%d", &i)); return 0; }
printf("%d\n", scanf("%d", &i)); The scanf function returns the value 1(one).
Therefore, the output of the program is '1'.
#include<stdio.h> int main() { FILE *fp; unsigned char ch; /* file 'abc.c' contains "This is CuriousTab " */ fp=fopen("abc.c", "r"); if(fp == NULL) { printf("Unable to open file"); exit(1); } while((ch=getc(fp)) != EOF) printf("%c", ch); fclose(fp); printf("\n", ch); return 0; }
while((ch=getc(fp)) != EOF) Here getc function read the character and convert it to an integer value and store it in the variable ch, but it is declared as an unsigned char. So the while loop runs infinitely.
#include<stdio.h> int main() { printf("%c\n", ~('C'*-1)); return 0; }
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