#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> int main() { int i=0; i++; if(i<=5) { printf("CuriousTab"); exit(1); main(); } return 0; }
Step 2: i++; Here variable i is increemented by 1. Hence i becomes '1'(one).
Step 3: if(i<=5) becomes if(1 <=5). Hence the if condition is satisfied and it enter into if block statements.
Step 4: printf("CuriousTab"); It prints "CuriousTab".
Step 5: exit(1); This exit statement terminates the program execution.
Hence the output is "CuriousTab".
#include<stdio.h> int check(int); int main() { int i=45, c; c = check(i); printf("%d\n", c); return 0; } int check(int ch) { if(ch >= 45) return 100; else return 10; }
Step 2: int l=45, c; The variable i and c are declared as an integer type and i is initialized to 45.
The function check(i) return 100 if the given value of variable i is >=(greater than or equal to) 45, else it will return 10.
Step 3: c = check(i); becomes c = check(45); The function check() return 100 and it get stored in the variable c.(c = 100)
Step 4: printf("%d\n", c); It prints the value of variable c.
Hence the output of the program is '100'.
#include<stdio.h> int check (int, int); int main() { int c; c = check(10, 20); printf("c=%d\n", c); return 0; } int check(int i, int j) { int *p, *q; p=&i; q=&j; i>=45? return(*p): return(*q); }
Call by value means c = sub(a, b); here value of a and b are passed.
Call by reference means c = sub(&a, &b); here address of a and b are passed.
int mul(int, int); /* Function prototype */
int main()
int a = 4, b = 3, c;
c = mul(a, b);
printf("c = %d\n", c);
return 0;
int mul(int a, int b)
return (a * b);
return (a - b); /* Warning: Unreachable code */
c = 12
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