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  • Question
  • Pick up the correct statement from the following regarding the pressure conduits :

  • Options
  • A. Pressure conduits are permitted to run Pick up the correct statement from the following regarding the pressure conduits : Pressure conduits th full
  • B. Pressure conduits are always laid along down grades
  • C. The hydraulic gradient line always coincides the invert of the conduit
  • D. None of these.

  • Correct Answer
  • None of these. 

  • Water Supply Engineering problems

    Search Results

    • 1. Surface water is obtained from

    • Options
    • A. well
    • B. springs
    • C. artesian well
    • D. rain.
    • Discuss
    • 2. The force which develops in a pressure conduit supported on trestles, is

    • Options
    • A. tension
    • B. compression
    • C. temperature stress
    • D. flexural stress.
    • Discuss
    • 3. Pick up the incorrect statement from the following :

    • Options
    • A. An impervious layer a few metres below the water table in the sub-soil, is generally called Mota layer (6) Mota layer is very useful to give structural support to open deep wells
    • B. A bore hole is generally provided in the mota layer for deep wells
    • C. Shallow wells are always of less depth as compared to deep wells
    • D. None of these.
    • Discuss
    • 4. An earth formation which, although porous and capable of absoring water does not provide an appreciable supply to wells, is known as

    • Options
    • A. acquifer
    • B. aquiclude
    • C. aquifuge
    • D. none of these.
    • Discuss
    • 5. Mathamoglobinemia, or blue baby disease is caused due to

    • Options
    • A. chlorides
    • B. nitrites
    • C. nitrates
    • D. sulphides.
    • Discuss
    • 6. Pick up the correct statement from the following regarding radial flow centrifugal pumps :

    • Options
    • A. These are provided with volute type or turbine type casings
    • B. In involute type of radial flow centrifugal pump, the impeller discharges into a gradually expanding spiral casing
    • C. In turbine type of radial flow centrifugal pumps, the impeller is surrounded by stationary guide vanes to reduce the velocity of water
    • D. The efficiency of turbine type of radial flow centrifugal pump, is always higher than that of volute type
    • E. All the above.
    • Discuss
    • 7. Continuous flow of water can be expected from

    • Options
    • A. gravity springs
    • B. surface springs
    • C. artesian springs
    • D. none of these.
    • Discuss
    • 8. A city supply includes

    • Options
    • A. domestic water demand
    • B. industrial and commercial water demands
    • C. demand for public uses and fire
    • D. water losses
    • E. all the above.
    • Discuss
    • 9. Increase in population of a rapidly growing city, may be estimated by

    • Options
    • A. arithmetical mean method
    • B. geometrical method
    • C. incremental increase method
    • D. graphical comparison method.
    • Discuss
    • 10. Flow through period, in sedimentation tanks, is

    • Options
    • A. equal to detention period
    • B. more than detention period
    • C. less than detention period
    • D. detention period divided by displacement efficiency
    • E. none of these.
    • Discuss


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