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  • Question
  • Probable systematic error in precise levelling as recommended by International Geodetic Association should not exceed
    (where k is in kilometers.)

  • Options
  • A. ± 0.1 k mm
  • B. ± 0.2 k mm
  • C. ± 0.1 k
  • D. 0.2 k mm.

  • Correct Answer
  • 0.2 k mm. 

  • Surveying problems

    Search Results

    • 1. The latitude of a traverse leg is obtained by multiplying its length by

    • Options
    • A. tangent of its reduced bearing
    • B. sign of its reduced bearing
    • C. cosine of its reduced bearing
    • D. cosecant of its reduced bearing.
    • Discuss
    • 2. The branch of surveying in which both horizontal and vertical positions of a point, are determined by making instrumental observations, is known

    • Options
    • A. tacheometry
    • B. tachemetry
    • C. telemetry
    • D. all the above.
    • Discuss
    • 3. If the sight distance (S) is equal to the length of the vertical-curve (2l) joining two grades g1% and - g2%, the height of the apex will be

    • Options
    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D. none of these.
    • Discuss
    • 4. A tape of length l and weight W kg/m is suspended at its ends with a pull of P kg, the sag correction is

    • Options
    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D. .
    • Discuss
    • 5. The best method of interpolation of contours, is by

    • Options
    • A. estimation
    • B. graphical means
    • C. computation
    • D. all of these.
    • Discuss
    • 6. If the rate of gain of radial acceleration is 0.3 m per sec3 and full centrifugal ratio is developed. On the curve the ratio of the length of the transition curve of same radius on road and railway, is

    • Options
    • A. 2.828
    • B. 3.828
    • C. 1.828
    • D. 0.828.
    • Discuss
    • 7. True meridian of different places

    • Options
    • A. converge from the south pole to the north pole
    • B. converge from the north pole to the south pole
    • C. converge from the equator to the poles
    • D. run parallel to each other.
    • Discuss
    • 8. For setting out a simple curve, using two theodolites.

    • Options
    • A. offsets from tangents are required
    • B. offsets from chord produced are required
    • C. offsets from long chord are required
    • D. deflection angles from Rankine's formula are required
    • E. none of these.
    • Discuss
    • 9. Orientation of a plane table by solving two point problem is only adopted when

    • Options
    • A. saving of time is a main factor
    • B. better accuracy is a main factor
    • C. given points are inaccessible
    • D. none of these.
    • Discuss
    • 10. Measuring with a 30 m chain, 0.01 m too short, introduces

    • Options
    • A. positive compensating error
    • B. negative compensating error
    • C. positive cumulative error
    • D. negative cumulative error.
    • Discuss


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