Correct Answer: It is the comparison between the actual output of the converter and its expected output.
2. What is the main disadvantage of the counter-ramp A/D converter?
A. It requires a counter.
B. The counter must count up from zero at the beginning of each conversion sequence, and the conversion time will vary depending on the input voltage.
C. It requires a precision clock in order for the conversion to be reliable.
D. The counter must count up from zero at the beginning of each conversion sequence, and the conversion time will vary depending on the input voltage. It requires a precision clock in order for the conversion to be reliable.
Correct Answer: The counter must count up from zero at the beginning of each conversion sequence, and the conversion time will vary depending on the input voltage.
3. What is the current in the feedback resistor for the circuit given below?
Correct Answer: The counter must count up from zero at the beginning of each conversion sequence, and the conversion time will vary depending on the input voltage.
6. An analog-to-digital converter has a four-bit output. How many analog values can it represent?
9. A certain digital-to-analog converter has a step size of 0.25 V and a full-scale output of 7.75 V. Determine the percent of resolution and the number of input binary bits.