In a five-branch parallel circuit, there are 12 mA of current in each branch. If one of the branches opens, the current in each of the other four branches is
A. 48 mA
B. 12 mA
C. 0 A
D. 3 mA
Correct Answer
12 mA
Parallel Circuits problems
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1. Three lights are connected in parallel across a 120 volt source. If one light burns out,
A. the remaining two will glow dimmer
B. the remaining two will glow brighter
C. the remaining two will not light
D. the remaining two will glow with the same brightness as before
8. An ammeter has an internal resistance of 50 Ω. The meter movement itself can handle up to 1 mA. If 10 mA is applied to the meter, the shunt resistor, RSH1, is approximately
10. The total resistance of a parallel circuit is 50 Ω. If the total current is 120 mA, the current through the 270 Ω resistor that makes up part of the parallel circuit is approximately