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  • Question
  • The shortest distance between two places measured along the surface of the earth, is

  • Options
  • A. length of the equator between their longitudes
  • B. length of the parallel between their longitudes
  • C. length of the arc of the great circle passing through them
  • D. none of these.

  • Correct Answer
  • length of the arc of the great circle passing through them 

  • Advanced Surveying problems

    Search Results

    • 1. If ? and ? be the latitude of a place and declination of a star respectively, the upper culmination of the star will be north of zenith if its zenith distance, is

    • Options
    • A. ? - ?
    • B. ? - ?
    • C. ? + ?
    • D. .
    • Discuss
    • 2. If ?, H, A and ? be the altitude, hour angle, azimuth and declination of a circumpolar star at its elongation, in latitude ?, the following relation holds good

    • Options
    • A.
    • B.
    • C.
    • D. all the above.
    • Discuss
    • 3. The stereo plotting instruments are generally manufactured on the principle of

    • Options
    • A. optical projection
    • B. optical mechanism projection
    • C. mechanical projection
    • D. all the above.
    • Discuss
    • 4. The angle between the axis of earth and the vertical at the station of observation is called

    • Options
    • A. astronomical latitude
    • B. astronomical co-latitude
    • C. co-declination of star
    • D. declination of star.
    • Discuss
    • 5. While making astronomical observations, the observer is mainly concerned with

    • Options
    • A. the direction of the vertical, the axis of rotation of the instrument
    • B. the direction of the poles of the celestial sphere
    • C. the direction of the star from the instrument
    • D. all the above.
    • Discuss
    • 6. The latitude (?) of a place and the altitude (?) of the pole are related by

    • Options
    • A. ? = ?
    • B. ? = 90° - ?
    • C. ? = ? - 90°
    • D. ? = 180° - ?.
    • Discuss
    • 7. Pick up the correct statement from the following :

    • Options
    • A. Sidereal time at any instant is equal to the hour angle of the first point of Aries
    • B. Local sidereal time of any place is equal to the right ascension of its meridian
    • C. Sidereal time is equal to the right ascension of a star at its upper transit
    • D. All the above.
    • Discuss
    • 8. Perspective centre relates to

    • Options
    • A. parallel projection
    • B. orthogonal projection
    • C. central projection
    • D. none of these.
    • Discuss
    • 9. Places having same latitude

    • Options
    • A. lie on the parallel of the latitude
    • B. are equidistant from the nearer pole
    • C. are equidistant from both the poles
    • D. are equidistant from the equator
    • E. all the above.
    • Discuss
    • 10. The point on the celestial sphere vertically below the observer's position, is called

    • Options
    • A. zenith
    • B. celestial point
    • C. nadir
    • D. pole.
    • Discuss


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