The horizontal angles from the boat between A and B and B and C, the stations on the shore are respectively ?1 and ?2. The distances AB = L1 and BC = L2. For calculating the angle ?2 at C between the boat and station B is obtained by using the following formula: where (? is horizontal angle between A and C at B).
B. ?t tan ?2 = 360° - (?1 + ?2 + ?) = ?
D. all the above.
Correct Answer
all the above.
Docks and Harbours problems
Search Results
1. Pick up the correct statement from the following:
A. The artificial barrier constructed to enclose "n area for safe anchorage, is called break water
B. The smoothened surface at the top end of the vertical face of a guay wall, is called fending
C. The effective berthing lengths of inclined guays can be adjusted
9. According to the recommendations of International Navigational Congress in 1912, the ratio of length to width at the entrance for passenger vessels is :