Answer B defines the timing that should be addressed in the risk management plan. Answer C defines the methodology that should be identified in a risk management plan. Answer D touches on the budgeting and tracking that should be defined in the risk management plan.
Although it is less accurate than adding up individual costs from the WBS, it is less time consuming. The trade-off is accuracy. Answer A is incorrect because to do a more accurate cost estimate, you need to delve into details. Answer C is tempting also, and possible, except we don't really know if the project in question can use perametric modeling . Answer D is incorrect because it takes the most time, but it is most accurate.
Richard is using an estimate based on a project very similar to to his own with staff he will be using. Answer A is incorrect because perametric modeling involves using a mathematical model to predict costs, such as dollars per line of code. Answer C is incorrect, although close; if the development project is a common item, such as putting down new flooring, a rule -of-thumb measurement can be used, although it is less accurate. Answer D is incorrect because it is not a form of estimating, but a type of pricing.
Answer A is tempting because the problem focuses on changes. However, because we are talking about the elaboration of the product's characteristics, we are talking about scope changes, and therefore Answer B is the best answer. Answer C is also tempting because it is difficult to more forward on a project until the scope is clearly defined (especially in systems development projects), but with products and certain types of web development, scope changes can be frequent, and a formal scope management plan is needed. Answer D is true from a project perspective, but does not addres the scope issues.
Life Cycle costing includes the costs from each phase of the project life cycle when the total investment costs are calculated. Answer A is incorrect because an opportunity cost is the difference between a chosen investment and the one that is passed up. Answer B is incorrect because sunk costs are costs that have been incurred and cannot be reversed. Answer C is incorrect because net present value (NPV) is the present value of cash inflows(benifits) minus the present value of cash outflows (costs).
The project details and description will usually have less detail at the beginning of the project and will increase as the characteristics are progressively elaborated. Answer A is incorrect because the team should confirm that they understand the esence of the scope of the project, even if the details might be ambiguous at the beginning of the project. Answer B is incorrect because the project should go forward; however, the team should request further clarification of what the project scope entails. Answer D is incorrect because the project selection criteria should be established before the project begins.
Answer A is tempting because it is true by definition, but Answer B is correct because it properly answers the question, in that these techniques do not take into account resource pool constraints. Answer C is incorrect because it provides possible early and late start and finish dates, but not the actual schedules. Answer D is incorrect because none of the the three are simulation techniques.
Initiation is the first step in the scope management process, and expert judgment is one of the techniques routinely utilized. Answers A, B, and D are incorrect because they would come after the initiation process.
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